Colorado Springs Central SDA Church

Love All, Serve All

Community Services



Welcome to Central Community Services 






Community Services is open to the public every Monday, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm, (except on holidays) and on the first and third Sabbath (Saturday) of each month from 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm. We offer emergency food, USDA Commodities, Senior boxes, and clothing assistance to those who qualify. Community Services is located on the South side of the church on San Miguel Ave.


The church address: 

1305 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909.

USDA Commodities, emergency food, and Senior boxes are available every day that we are open. You can pick up USDA Commodities and emergency food once a month (but not at the same time). However, Senior boxes can be picked up at the same time as USDA Commodities. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Non-Discrimination Statement, click here.




Community Services is grateful for all donations however, it is not equipped to receive any items other than clothing, nonperishable foods, and hygiene items. 

To volunteer contact the church office or email Jason Tuzinkewich: 


















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